• 78
    Norival Moreira de Oliveira
     Mestre Nô 

    📻 Velhos Mestres

    M Nô 40 anos

    The ABC

    1945 - Norival Moreira de Oliveira was born on the 22nd June in Coroa village on the island of Itaparica.

    1949 - Started to learn capoeira with his grandfather Olegário.

    1952 - His family moved to Massaranduba in Salvador where Nô started to learn with Nilton, Cutica, Pierrô and Zeca do Uruguai*.  read more  Their rodas were visited by Waldemar and Traíra.

    1964 - On the 18th September Nô received the diploma from Nilton and Cutica (see the image below) and started to teach. In November founded the Academia de Capoeira Angola Retintos. See the place on the map above. His second academy was on the Santa Clara street in the old Terreiro de Pai Dudu.

    1969 - Founded the Academia de Capoeira Angola Orixas da Bahia.

    1971 - Married Sônia Maria Borges de Oliveira to have four children with her.

    1979 - During the party of the Academia de Capoeira Angola Orixas da Bahia paid tribute to the late Nilton and Cutica. The same year he founded the Grupo de Capoeira Angola Palmares da Bahia.

    1985 - Organized the I Grupo de Capoeira Palmares Encounter.

    1987 - I Batismo de Capoeira Ajagunã de Palmares on the Island of Santa Catarina.

    1990 - Visited Atlanta in the Stated for the first time.

    2019 - Recorded his CD Registro dos saberes da Capoeira Angola de Mestre Nô 40 anos (listen above).

    M Nô continues to teach in his place in Bahia and in many places over the world.

    * [Coming to Salvador] he met Mestre Nilton (Pierrô's student) and Pierrô (Mestre Zeca's student, in the Uruguai neighborhood in Salvador). His first lessons were with Mestre Nilton, in a place in Canto do Rio in Massaranduba. Later he was presented to Pierrô e Zeca, in the Uruguai neighborhood. Corrêa; Pinto, 2013


    • M Nô
      Memória Periféricas da Capoeira Angola de Salvador: Mestre Nô's personal archive

    • M Nô (no meio ao lado do atabaque)
      Memória Periféricas da Capoeira Angola de Salvador: Mestre Nô's personal archive

    • M Nô (at the back with berimbau)
      Memória Periféricas da Capoeira Angola de Salvador: Mestre Nô's personal archive

    • M Nô

    • M Nô's diploma from 1964
      Memória Periféricas da Capoeira Angola de Salvador: Mestre Nô's personal archive

    M Nô

    M Nô and M Cobra Mansa

    M Nô

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