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    Roberto Barreto Pereira
     Mestre Roberto Satanás 

    The ABC

    1943 - Was born in Salvador on the 23rd December son of Alexandre Pereira and D. Magnolia Barreto Pereia (see below).

    1960 - Was admitted to the CECA on the 20th September.

    1961 - Participated on the TV-show Grande Ginkana Kibon in Rio de Janeiro with other Bahian capoeiristas.

    1963 - On the 31st March received the diploma from M Pastinha. Appears on the photos on the Pelourinho hillside and in M Pastinha's academy (see below!).

    1964 - In September apprears on the photos of the Folk Congress in Belo Horizonte (see below!).

    1965 - Appears on the photos of M Pastinha's book (see below!).

    1966 - Participated in the rehearsals for the event and in April traveled to Dakar, Africa together with M Pastinha and other masters (see below!).

    PS «[..] when he returned from Senegal, he stopped doing capoeira and became an architect and is a karate master.» We thank Antônio Luiz dos Santos Campos (Boa Alma) and Genésio Lemos Couto (M Meio Quilo) for the vital information.


    • Roberto Barreto Pereira
      Was born on 27 of December of 1943 [should be 23 of Dec - velhosmestres.com]
      Bahian brazilian born in Salvador
      Son of Alexandre Pereira and
      D. Magnolia Barreto Pereia
      single profession student
      category pupil
      admitted on 20th September 1960
      Resident São Domingo Building nr 8
      M Pastinha's book of registrants
      Collection: MAFRO

    • Standing:
      M Pastinha,
      Gildo Alfinete (Gildo Lemos Couto),
      Genário Lemos Couto (brother of Gildo Alfinete),
      Roberto Satanás,
      Gil Rui (Rui Lemos Couto, brother of Gildo Alfinete),
      Genésio Meio Quilo (Genésio Lemos Couto, brother of Gildo Alfinete)
      Playing: Raimundo Natividade and Albertino da Hora (Moreno)
      Pelourinho, Salvador
      Collection: Gildo Alfinete

    • Standing:
      M Pastinha,
      Gildo Alfinete (Gildo Lemos Couto),
      Nelson Papa Fumo,
      Raimundo Natividade,
      Albertino da Hora (Moreno),
      Genário Lemos Couto (brother of Gildo Alfinete)
      Genésio Meio Quilo (Genésio Lemos Couto, brother of Gildo Alfinete),
      Roberto Satanás,
      Gil Rui (Rui Lemos Couto, brother of Gildo Alfinete)
      Pelourinho, Salvador
      Collection: Gildo Alfinete

    • Roberto Satanás, M Pastinha and Gildo Alfinete
      31st March 1963
      Collection: M Gildo Alfinete

    • ? (berimbau)
      M Gildo Alfinete (pandeiro)
      M Roberto Satanás (pandeiro)
      Playing: ? and ?
      Hotel Umbu, Porto Alegre
      May 1963

    • ?,
      M Pastinha,
      Moreno (Albertino da Hora),
      Gildo Alfinete,
      Roberto Satanás
      Playing: Toinho and João Grande
      Photo: Juares Fioravante Patines
      Tênis Clube Minas, BH, 1964
      Collection: Joares Marcelo dos Santos Patines

    • Prof. of Physical Education of BH,
      M Pastinha,
      Gildo Alfinete,
      Roberto Satanás,
      João Grande,
      Moreno (Albertino da Hora)
      BH, 1964

    • Roberto Satanás,
      Genésio Meio Quilo,
      Vicente Ferreira Pastinha,
      Irmão Genaro (Genaldo Lemos Couto),
      Gildo Alfinete
      M Pastinha's book

    • Bateria:
      M Camafeu de Oxossi
      M Gato Preto
      M Roberto Satanaz
      M Pastinha
      Playing: M Gildo Alfinete and M João Grande
      Mercado Modelo, 1966

    • Instruments:
      M Camafeu de Oxossi
      M Gato Preto
      M Roberto Satanaz
      M Pastinha
      Playing: M Gildo Alfinete and M João Grande
      Mercado Modelo, 1966
      Collection: M Gildo Alfinete

    • Instruments:
      M Camafeu de Oxossi
      M Gildo Alfinete
      M Roberto Satanaz
      M Gato Preto
      Playing: M João Grande and M Pastinha
      Morro do Gato, 1966
      Collection: M João Grande

    • Instruments:
      M Gato Preto
      M João Grande
      M Camafeu de Oxossi
      M Pastinha
      Playing: M Gildo Alfinete and M Roberto Satanaz
      Location?, 1966
      Collection: M João Grande

    • Instruments:
      M Gato Preto
      M João Grande
      M Gildo Alfinete
      M Roberto Satanaz
      Playing: M Pastinha and M Camafeu de Oxossi
      Morro do Gato, 1966

    • Instruments:
      M Gato Preto
      M João Grande
      M Gildo Alfinete
      M Roberto Satanaz
      Playing: M Pastinha and M Camafeu de Oxossi
      Morro do Gato, 1966

    • Instruments:
      M Gato Preto
      M João Grande
      M Camafeu de Oxossi
      M Pastinha
      Playing: M Gildo Alfinete and M Roberto Satanaz
      Morro do Gato, 1966

    • Instruments:
      M Camafeu de Oxossi
      M Gildo Alfinete
      M Roberto Satanaz
      M Gato Preto
      Playing: M Pastinha and M João Grande
      Morro do Gato, 1966

    • M Camaféu de Oxossi
      M Roberto Satanás
      M Gildo Alfinete
      M João Grande
      M Gato Preto
      M Pastinha
      ARCHIVE -Gildo Alfinete


    • M Camaféu de Oxossi
      M Roberto Satanás
      M Gildo Alfinete
      M João Grande
      M Gato Preto
      M Pastinha


    • M Camaféu de Oxossi
      M Roberto Satanás
      M Gildo Alfinete
      M João Grande
      M Gato Preto
      M Pastinha


    • M Gato Preto
      M João Grande
      M Pastinha
      M Camaféu de Oxossi
      M Gildo Alfinete
      M Roberto Satanás
      Collection: M Gildo Alfinete

    M Roberto Satanás

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