• 105
    Juvenal Hermenegildo da Cruz
     Mestre Juvenal 
    31/01/1919 - 20/03/1998

    📻 Velhos Mestres

    Luciano, Juvenal* and Manuel, 1940
    < >
    • 01.
    • 02.
      Oh sim, sim, sim
    • 03.
      Canto a Ogum
    • 04.
      Instrumental 1
    • 05.
      Instrumental 2
    • 06.
      Oh mi xarodô
    • 07.
      Caboclo da Mulungaga
    • 08.
      Lá na aldeia
    • 09.
      Quando eu tinha dinheiro*
    • 10.
      Ladeira de Santa Tereza*

    Luciano, Juvenal* and Manuel, 1940

    The ABC of M Juvenal

    1919 - Was born on the 31st of January the youngest son of Maria Raimunda da Cruz, an indian woman.

    1937 - On 14th January participated in the II Afro-Brazilian Congress of Bahia (see the photo below and read more here)

    1940 - On 7th November he recorded capoeira music for Lorenzo Turner together with Luciano José Silva and Manoel Oliveira. Probably the lead singer is Luciano - perhaps someone connected to the candomblé.

    1945 - Appeared in the book Bahia de Todos os Santos of Jorge Amaro as "Juvenal, a young 20 year old guy".

    1946 - Newspaper O Momento published on 16th June an article called "Mestre Juvenal's students challenge a capoeirista", mentioning Juvenal as the champion of Conceição da Praia (read below!). In the end of the year (20th November?) was photographed by Pierre Verger to appear in the O Cruzeiro magazine in 1948.

    1947 - O. Tavares in O Cruzeiro of the 31st May talking about the Conceição da Praia feast highlights him and Bimba.

    1948 - On 10th January O Cruzeiro published the article "Capoeira kills one!" featuring M Juvenal (see the photos below and read more here).

    1951 - O. Tavares in his book Bahia - Images of the land and of the people says that Juvenal's hut was in Chame-Chame.

    1953 - On 9th September the Diário Oficial listed as sailor of the Salvador's Customs one Juvenal Hermenegildo da Cruz.

    1978 - On 12th December 1980 the Diário Oficial notified of the retirement of an agent of river maritime transport called Juvenal Hermenegildo da Cruz on the 30th November 1978.

    1998 - Died on the 20th of March.

    PS CM Rouxinol interviewing the relatives of M Juvenal descovered that his first wife is called Nair Pereira de Assis and their son Romenil Assis da Cruz. The second wife Olga Maria Santos da Cruz and the daughter Olga Silva da Cruz.

    The map of capoeiras on the ramp (M Juvenal on numbers 1 & 6)

    M Juvenal on numbers 1 & 6

    Photo gallery

    • Playing: M Barbosa and M Juvenal
      II Afro-Brazilian Congress
      Ribeira, Salvador

    • M Juvenal
      Market Ramp, Salvador
      Pierre Verger's photo

    • M Juvenal and student
      Market Ramp, Salvador
      Pierre Verger's photo

    • M Juvenal and student
      Market Ramp, Salvador
      Pierre Verger's photo

    • M Juvenal and student
      Market Ramp, Salvador
      Pierre Verger's photo

    • M Juvenal and student
      Market Ramp, Salvador
      Pierre Verger's photo

    • M Juvenal and student
      Market Ramp, Salvador
      Pierre Verger's photo

    • M Juvenal and student
      Market Ramp, Salvador
      Pierre Verger's photo

    • M Juvenal
      Market Ramp, Salvador
      Pierre Verger's photo

    • M Juvenal
      Market Ramp, Salvador
      Pierre Verger's photo

    • M Juvenal

    • M Juvenal 60? years old
      Collection: M Timbó

    • M Juvenal 80? years old
      Collection: M Timbó

    • CM Rouxinol sharing his research

    M Juvenal

    Mestre Juvenal students challenge a capoeirista

    • page


      Newspaper O Momento
      16th June 1964

      In the night program for the 18th there's a capoeira demonstration by mestre Juvenal's, Conceição da Praia's champion's, students. Yesterday one of the mestre Juvenal's students was in this editorial office, saying that in the name of his colleagues he would challenge any bahian capoeirista to fight one of mestre Juvenal's students. If there's no capoeirisita ready to step up, then the students of the "mestre" would make an exhibition to the public on the 18th, during the youth party.

      Obs. The place for the fight or the exhibition would be the Fekete Circus.

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