• Raimundo das Virgens Natividade
     Mestre Raimundo Natividade 
    born 1939


    1939 - Was born.

    1963 - Started to appear on the photos together with M Pastinha and the CECA, also sang on Helinä Rautavaara's recording in M Pastinha's academy in July and in M Gato Preto's academy in Mirante do Calabar in the end of the year.

    196? - Being military police he was probably sent off Salvador (he doesn't appear on the photos any more and doesn't sing on M Pastinha 1969 LP).

    1999 - Participated in ABCA's Millennium Roda (photos).

    2009 - Interview to CM Rouxinol in Salvador (not published).

    2011 - Appeared in the electronic newspaper of the Tribunal de Justiça do Estado da Bahia, that speaks of him as having suffered a stroke being in need of domestic treatment.

    📻 Velhos Mestres

    M Raimundo Natividade, 1963
    < >
    • 03.
      Bahia, nossa Bahia*
    • 04.
      Tava em casa*
    • 07.
      Pedro Cem**

    M Raimundo Natividade, 1963: *in Pastinha's, **in Gato's


    • Standing:
      M Pastinha,
      Gildo Alfinete (Gildo Lemos Couto),
      Genário Lemos Couto (Gildo Alfinete's brother),
      Roberto Satanás,
      Gil Rui (Rui Lemos Couto, Gildo Alfinete's brother),
      Genésio Meio Quilo (Genésio Lemos Couto, Gildo Alfinete's brother)
      Playing: Raimundo Natividade and Albertino da Hora (Moreno)
      Pelourinho, Salvador

    • Standing:
      M Pastinha,
      Gildo Alfinete,
      Nelson Papa Fumo,
      Raimundo Natividade,
      Albertino da Hora (Moreno),
      Genário Lemos Couto
      Genésio Meio Quilo,
      Roberto Satanás,
      Gil Rui
      Pelourinho, Salvador
      M Gildo Alfinete's collection

    • Sitting:
      Gildo Alfinete,
      Nelson Papa Fumo,
      Raimundo Natividade,
      Genário Lemos Couto
      Genésio Meio Quilo,
      M Pastinha,
      Gil Rui
      Largo do Pelourinho 19, Salvador
      Gildo Alfinete's collection

    • Sitting:
      Mário Bom Cabrito (berimbau),
      Raimundo Natividade (berimbau)
      Playing: Gato Góes (mestre's son) and M Gato Preto
      Mirante do Calabar (today Jardim Apipema), dona Pompilha's school
      31/Dec/1963, Festa da Boa Viagem
      Helinä Rautavaara's collection

    • Instruments:
      Raimundo da Virgem Natividade,
      Manuel de Carvalho
      Playing: Albertino da Hora and M Pastinha
      Magazine O Cruzeiro, 4/May/1963
      The Church of S. Bárbara, Salvador

    • Instruments:
      João Grande,
      Raimundo da Virgem Natividade
      Manuel de Carvalho
      Playing: M Pastinha and Albertino da Hora
      Magazine O Cruzeiro, 4/May/1963
      The Church of S. Bárbara, Salvador

    • From left to right:
      João Oliveira dos Santos (João Grande),
      Manuel de Carvalho,
      Albertino da Hora,
      Raimundo da Virgem Natividade,
      Mestre Pastinha
      Magazine O Cruzeiro, 4/May/1963
      The Church of S. Bárbara, Salvador

    • Standing:
      M Pastinha,
      M Moraes,
      M Gaguinho,
      M Raimundo Natividade (berimbau),
      ? (berimbau),
      M Gigante (pandeiro)
      M Pastinha's academy, 1963
      Magazine Quatro Rodas, Dec/1963

    • Standing:
      ? (pandeiro),
      M Gigante (berimbau),
      M Nelson (berimbau),
      M Raimundo Natividade (berimbau),
      ? (berimbau)
      Playing: ? and M Pastinha
      M Pastinha's academy, 1963
      Helinä Rautavaara's collection

    • Tom Zé (guitar)
      In the middle squatting with berimbaus:
      ? and M Raimundo Natividade
      To the right of them is sitting M Gildo Alfinete
      M Pastinha's academy, 196?
      M Gildo Alfinete's collection

    • Standing:
      M Raimundo Natividade (de Pastinha),
      M Bola Sete,
      M Gato Preto,
      M Pedro Feitosa
      Sitting: M Pelé da Bomba,
      M Gigante,
      M Waldomiro Malvadeza (de Pastinha),
      M Gildo Alfinete,
      M Lua Rasta,
      M Pintado do Bongô (agogô),
      M Lázaro (reco-reco),
      ? (atabaque)
      M Valdec (gold shirt, behind M Pintado),
      M Mala,
      Prof Colmenero (de M Pastinha, with glasses, behind M Mala)
      Playing: ? and ?
      ABCA's Millennium Roda
      Largo do Cruzeiro de São Francisco, Salvador
      December 30th, 1999
      M Pedro Feitosa's collection

    • M Pastinha's students:
      M Raimundo Natividade (Raymundo das Virgens Natividade),
      M Bola Sete,
      M Boca Rica,
      M Gildo Alfinete,
      Prof. Colmenero,
      M João Pequeno,
      M Waldomiro Malvadeza
      ABCA's Millennium Roda
      Largo do Cruzeiro de São Francisco, Salvador
      December 30th, 1999
      M Bola Sete's collection

    • M Pelé da Bomba,
      M Waldomiro Malvadeza (de M Pastinha),
      M Gato Preto,
      Prof. Colmenero (de M Pastinha),
      Dr. Genaldo Lemos Couto (aluno do M Pastinha, conselheiro da ABCA),
      M Boa Gente,
      Dr José Augusto Leal (Forte da Capoeira's director),
      M João Pequeno,
      M Mala,
      M Gildo Alfinete,
      M Gigante,
      M Raimundo Natividade (Raymundo das Virgens Natividade, de M Pastinha)
      ABCA's Millennium Roda
      Largo do Cruzeiro de São Francisco, Salvador
      December 30th, 1999
      M Gildo Alfinete's collection

    • M Raimundo Natividade and CM Rouxinol
      Salvador, 2009
      CM Rouxinol's collection

    M Raimundo Natividade

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