•  Returned to Salvador 

    «From Alagoinhas to [the station of] Calçada (in Salvador) we went by train, which was called Maria Bonita. In those days, the greatest police chief in Salvador was Pedro Gordilho, who andava numa baratinha*. He ran and hid on Itaparica Island.

    When we arrived in Salvador, the barracks couldn’t hold all the revolutionaries. There was only room for half the men. There was no room for me. I stayed in an old museum in the Campo Grande area, where the Castro Alves Theater is today.»

    *rode a cheap Ford?

    Santos, 1991

    He [Pedro de Azevedo Gordilho] was deposed from office during the 1930 revolution and sought refuge in the house of Archbishop D. Augusto, where he was captured and taken to prison.

    Talmon, 2008

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