•  M Azulão Baiano died, 82 

    Born in October 1934 in the town of Rapa Tição in Bahia today known as Ipiau. Great guitar player and repentista he was a theater actor and a circus artist once, on the candomblé drums Azulão Baiano, as he is known, sings in verse and prose the stories of his region. Recognized for his singing and his improvising in the 1950-s and 60-s, from his first classes in the backyard in Nazaré das Farinhas to the rodas in Itabuna, Ilhéus and the region, and classes in the academy Nossa Srª de Fátima, he made his name and his improvising where he could be encountered with the nickname of Barba Russa. An accident, when catching the animals, took Barba Russa from Capoeira Angola. Almost 40 years later we have the pleasure to have him stronger and happier as never, returned to the community and to the rodas of capoeira angola.

    Besides being a poet, Azulão Baiano, a born guitar player, was in the army, the leader of the marching bands of the State, recorded two CDs, with music of our regional history, a lot of them taking back to the magic of candomblé.

    Mestre Azulão Baino died on 15th May 2016 in the town of Ibicaraí, a town 35 km from Itabuna-BA at 82 years of age.

    More here and here

    M Azulão Baiano died, 82

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