•  Encounter in Rio de Janeiro 

    Instead of M Waldemar this time the invited was M Caiçara.

    • Standing:
      M Gato Preto,
      M Camisa,
      M Caiçara,
      M João Pequeno,
      M João Grande,
      M Canjiquinha
      Squatting: M John Grandão and M Itapoan
      October 1987
      Lapa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    • M Caiçara (sitting),
      M Canjiquinha (standing, with pandeiro),
      M Mucungê (sitting, facing front),
      M João Pequeno (sitting, with back turned),
      M João Grande (standing)
      October 1987,
      Circo Voador?
      Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    • M Camisa,
      M Caiçara,
      M João Grande,
      M Gato Preto (behind M João Grande, with berimbau),
      M Artur Emídio,
      M Pinatti
      October 1987
      Circo Voador, RJ

    • Playing: M Camisa and M Pinatti
      Standing: M João Pequeno (berimbau),
      M Gato Preto (with berimbau),
      M Canjiquinha,
      M Caiçara (microphone),
      M Artur Emídio,
      M Baiano Anzol (red chord, white clothes)
      October 1987
      Circo Voador, RJ

    • "The history continues"
      Standing: Monica Jordao (at the back),
      M Camisa,
      M João Grande,
      M Sidinho,
      M Capixaba,
      M Bené.
      Sitting: M Canjiquinha,
      M Caiçara,
      M Nacional,
      M Artur Emídio,
      M João Pequeno,
      M Gato Preto,
      M Mucungê
      October 1987
      Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    • Playing: M Pinatti and M Canjiquinha
      Standing at the back: M Camisa,
      M João Pequeno (berimbau),
      M Gato Preto (berimbau),
      ? (berimbau),
      M Caiçara (microphone),
      M Joel,
      M Baiano Anzol
      October 1987
      Circo Voador, RJ

    • Standing: M Capixaba and M Pinatti
      Sitting: ?,
      M Caiçara,
      M Nacional,
      October 1987
      Circo Voador?
      Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
      Collection of M Zambi

    Encounter in Rio de Janeiro, 1987

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