•  Started to learn capoeira with Uncle Alípio 

    When still a boy the destiny put an old african Alípio, a black man of a lot of knowledge, on his way. Alípio was captive in Pantaleão mill raised in the sufferings of slavery, where he was treated badly until the abolition came. He met Besouro when still young and became his master. The place where the african Alípio taught Besouro was in the middle of plantations and sugarcane fields.


    The most famous master in Santo Amaro was called Alípio, nicknamed Uncle Alípio. He was an african and was Besouro's master. Besouro was the most famous capoeirista of the Bahian bay area, (my flesh-and-blood cousin and raised up as brother). Alípio was brought chained to the Pantaleão Mill.

    M Cobrinha Verde

    At 13 years old, Besouro won the world: he left home to work and started to write his name in the history through his adventures. He was cowboy and wild donkey tamer in the villages of the Bahian Bay Area. He learned from an african uncle and an ex-slave the mysteries of capeira, the game, the knives and the good prayers.


    When leaving home 13 years old, Besouro went to the center of the district that he lived in, Santo Amaro da Purificação, and resided in the Trapiche de Baixo area, a suburban zone of the city which becomes his school.

    Da Silva, 2010

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